Insurance Solutions to meet your Personal and Business Needs!

With access to all of the major insurance companies in Canada, Krizal Financial Solutions is able to provide you with a variety of life, income replacement, personal health, travel and group insurance solutions.

Life Insurance

Provides your loved ones with a tax-free payment after you die. You can purchase Term Insurance short term needs and Permanent Insurance for lifetime needs.


Critical Illness Insurance

Allows you to receive a lump-sum payment to manage the financial consequences of being diagnosed with and living through an illness that may alter your life.


Disability Insurance

Protects your income, should you become completely or partially disabled through an event beyond your control. The income you receive will allow you to manage your disability and continue to meet your financial responsibilities.


Personal Health Insurance

Offers a way for you to pay for many health expenses that are not covered through your provincial health plan, or your group plan coverage at work.


Group Insurance

Gives you a competitive edge when it comes to retaining employees and key people in your business, by providing them with extended health and dental benefits, as well as life insurance and disability insurance protection.